Sometimes a loved one may depart far from the place of their origin. We at Bergen Funeral Service Inc understand that the departed wished to be buried in their place of their birth. That is why we offer international funeral shipping services.
We are the United States’ leaders in international funeral shipping services. This is because we are what is know in the industry as Known Shippers. This status authorizes us to fly with schedule flights for international funeral shipping services with airlines. This is not an easy status to obtain. We are one of the few and the largest in the Tri-State area.
We have offices in New York City, New Jersey and Florida. We are minutes away from Newark and John F Kennedy International Airports. Because of this, we can transport people quickly to ensure that they will arrive in time for services to take place.
Because of our frequent use of airports, we are offered discounts on shipping. This savings gets passed down to our customers. We are a TSA Certified Screening Facility. This means that we are able to screen human remains in order to save time and prevent delays at the airport.
We realize that there are many options to consider regarding one’s final services. That is why we offer different mortuary services including:
- Burial Services
- Cremation
- Domestic funeral shipping
- International funeral shipping
Our international shipping prices start as low as $1,550. Additional expenses include permit, airfare, shipping container and death certificate. We offer services for any religious denominations. For more information on our international funeral shipping services, call 1-800-262-7901.